The Story of Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac: Akedah Anthology, edited by Seizo Sekine and published earlier this year, is an invaluable reference for scholars, students, and any other Japanese readers interested in the history of interpretation of the story of Abraham’s “binding” of Isaac in Genesis 22.

Sekine has collected an impressive number of the most important texts written on this Genesis narrative from ancient to modern times. The breadth of texts is remarkable—the anthology includes texts originally composed in Hebrew (from classical to modern), Greek, Latin, Arabic, German, Danish, English, Spanish, French, and Japanese.
Personally, I found it helpful to make an English list of the texts in Sekine’s anthology, and I think it may be helpful to some readers for me to give the list in both English and Japanese here.
For each time period, therefore, I have given the Japanese list of texts (using Sekine’s titles) followed by an English list. In most cases, I have given the standard English translation of the work, but where an asterisk (*) occurs, I have simply translated Sekine’s Japanese title for that text.
Texts in Seizo Sekine’s Akedah Anthology
I 古代・Ancient
- 旧約聖書偽典
- 新約聖書正典
- アレクサンドリアのフィロン「アブラハムについて」
- ヨセフス『ユダヤ古代誌』
- アウグスティヌス『三位一体論』『神の国』
- ミドラシュ・ラッバー『ベレシート・ラッバー』
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