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Visitors to can use a single English interface to search 135 Bible versions in 47 languages. Unfortunately, though, no Japanese versions are among them.

BibleGateway does link to downloadable and searchable PDFs of Bible books from the Japanese Living Bible, but this is unwieldy for standard searches. Besides, few churches or scholars regularly use the Japanese Living Bible in worship or in study.

Instead, most Japanese Bible students would begin their searches with one or both of the two most widely used Bible versions in Japan: the New Interconfessional Translation Bible and the New Japanese Bible.

Search the Shinkyodoyaku Online

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The Japan Society of New Testament Studies (日本新約学会・Nihon Shinyaku Gakkai)will hold its annual meeting in Nagoya on September 7–8, 2012.

Nagoya Gakuin UniversityNagoya Gakuin University, Nagoya Campus (Site of the JSNTS Meeting)

Here are the presenters, paper titles (translations mine), moderators, and other speakers: Continue Reading…

If you ever need information about biblical scholarship or biblical scholars in Japan – or about any other academic discipline, for that matter – start with the “Next-Generation Academic Information Infrastructure” (formerly GeNii – NII Scholarly and Academic Information Portal):

This is a great portal for information about: Continue Reading…

Yesterday I visited Pitts Theology Library at Emory University. Surely it has the best biblical and theological studies collection in the Southeast U.S., where I’m spending most of my summer.

After I finished my own little research project, I asked one of the reference librarians if I could get a list of the periodicals about Japan there at Pitts Theology Library. I was hoping that the list would include several of the most important periodicals related to biblical studies, theology, and religious studies coming out of Japan. If so, I knew it would be instructive and interesting to others.

Pitts Theology Library

The librarian kindly generated a list of 31 periodicals with “Japan” as a keyword somewhere in the record (including place of publication, etc.). Of course, this yielded titles for which Japan is neither the country of origin nor the main focus, but that’s to be expected. Continue Reading…

Kyo Bun Kwan, a publisher of mostly Christian books dating back to 1885, issues a “Best 20” list of the top sellers each month. Its bestseller list includes books from any publisher, and not just Kyo Bun Kwan. (The website does not make it clear, though, where the sales data comes from. Also, note that there is no permanent link for each month’s “Best 20.”)

Here are the 5 Bible-related books – with 4 in the top 10 – that made the list in June 2012 (to keep the list simple, I have only given my translation of the title followed by the Japanese title, linked to a page with more info):


Do you know of any other Japanese bestseller lists that feature books in biblical studies and/or theology?