Four Japanese Approaches to Genesis 22

October 12, 2012 — Leave a comment

Having introduced Seizo Sekine’s anthology of ancient to modern readings of the Akedah narrative (Genesis 22), I decided to search for Japanese scholarly treatments of the Genesis story that are available online.

Caravaggio's Sacrifice of Isaac

Here are four studies I found—representing four different disciplinary approaches—with links to full-text PDF articles.

A Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Analysis

Seizo Sekine, “Shūkyō to rinri no sōkoku no jidai ni” [In an Age of Rivalry between Religion and Ethics], Shūkyō Kenkyū 83:2 [Religious Studies 83:2] (2009): 479–501.

関根 清三「宗教と倫理の相剋の時代に」『宗教研究』第83:2号,2009年,479–501。

*English and Japanese abstracts.

A Literary Analysis

Ryuichi Mizuno, “‘Akeedaa’ no shibaru mono: Sōseiki 22-shō no bungaku-teki sayō” [The Binding of the Akedah: The Literary Working of Genesis 22], Shingaku Kenkyū 42 [Theological Studies 42] (1995): 1–22.

水野 隆一「『アケーダー』の縛るもの : 創世記22章の文学的作用」『神學研究』第42号,1995年,1–22。

An Artistic Study

Takaharu Miyashita and Mako Yoshizumi, “Karabwajjio-saku ‘Isaku no gisei’ (Jonson korekushon) ni tsuite” [Caravaggio’s Sacrifice of Isaac of Johnson Collection: Studies in the Styles and the ChronologyKanazawa Daigaku Kyōiku Gakubu Kiyō: Jinbun Kagaku, Shakai Kagaku Hen 45 [Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Kanazawa University, The Humanities and Social Sciences 45] (1996): 37–56.

宮下 孝晴,吉住 磨子「カラヴァッジオ作『イサクの犠牲』(ジョンソンコレクション蔵)について」『金沢大学教育学部紀要 人文科学・社会科学編』第45,1996年,37–56。

A Philological Study

Kiichi Tachibana, “Aburahamu wa gijin ka” [Was Abraham a Righteous Man], Tōhoku Tetsugakkai Nenpō 5 [Tohoku Philosophical Society Bulletin 5] (1989): 53–55.

立花 希一「アブラハムは義人か」『東北哲学会年報』第5号,1989年,53–55。

*This article is a summary of Tachibana’s paper presented at the Tohoku Philosophical Society.


Do you have any other Japanese studies of Genesis 22 to recommend? If so, tell us in the comments section, below.

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